Keeping knowledge from walking out the door --- SOPs
Over the last two years, I have been working on the
formation of the SOP Cooperative, a cooperative effort among water utilities to
share standard operating procedures. This Cooperative was born at a water and
wastewater utility knowledge management workshop. The question on the table
was, “How to keep knowledge from walking out the door.” The clear answer to
this question was, we capture knowledge in our standard operating procedures
(SOPs). Then when asked, “Do you have good/current SOPs for all your key processes,”
the answer was commonly no or we’re working on it.
Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are a good place to document
knowledge. When properly developed they can be used to:- document the current state of practice,
- ensure that important aspects of a task are not overlooked,
- remember how to do infrequent tasks (i.e. annual or season procedures)
- ensure consistency between different individuals or crews
- training
- capture and preserve operating knowledge
The SOP Cooperative was formed to facilitate the sharing and discussing procedures between utilities. There will be more about this in future posts.
Labels: capturing knowledge, knowedge capture, knowledge management, knowledge retention, SOPs, standard operating procedures