Thursday, July 28, 2005

Idiots guide to increasing traffic on my blog

I've had this knowledge management blog since December and have had only one comment. I did find that my blog was linked to in 4 places, two of which I placed myself. So today I set off on a path to determine how to increase my blog traffic. By no means am I an expert, but here's some simple things that I'm doing.

1) Added a counter to my site to see if anyone hits my site. I'm using Site Meter.

2) Added my blog to some blog listing services. I used blogwise, blogcatalog, and blogexplosion. I tried bloghub but got stuck in their verification process, so I didn't get listed there. Each site requires registration, so I'm a little worried about giving out my e-mail address, but what the heck. I may also try others at a later time.

3) Check the number of links to my site from my Google search - link:(your site

4) Checked my Google site rank again from the Google toolbar (4 out of 10 when I started this)

In the future I will be doing the following -

- Being more conscious using keywords such as knowledge and knowledge management. To try and use them often but not so often that readers get sick of them. I've also heard of using trade names whenever possible (but be wary of what you say, companies do check use of their name).

- Adding comments on other bloggers sites and leaving a link. I guess this is common practice.

- Start some article marketing. It seems that many folks are repurposing articles from their blogs and posting them on sites like Ezine Articles I read that you need to post 25-100 articles to get noticed (yuck!).
- Take every opportunity to give folks my blog address. (One suggestion I read was to include it in my e-mail signature line. Luckily for my friends, I have not done this yet).

This all seems like a lot of work, but if I want folks to begin reading my blog I better get to work.

If you read this posting, please attach a comment and add me to your blog roll. I'll do the same if I can figure out how.


At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff -

Good stuff. Here's a couple to add to your list, if you like:

1) Register with Technorati and ping them every time you post to your blog.

2) someone else gave me this advice (and I'm using it right now), visit some other KM blogs and leave comments...many, but not all will take a look at what you are doing, and a fraction of those will link to you.

Me for example...I'll read over more of your posts, and will perhaps link to your blog.

Good luck...I'm experiencing the same thing and appreciate your advice...hope mine is helpful as well.

At 2:13 AM, Blogger Srini said...

its tough indeed. with millions of budding writers and others (commercial) blogging it tough to get noticed.

i think the best way is to keep visiting a number of related blogs and your 'expert' comments there gets a couple of others including the blog owner interested enough to have a peep into your blog... and you get listed ;).

maybe thats why i am here :))

At 2:53 PM, Blogger jackvinson said...


Good luck with this. The best way to get noticed is to let people know you exist, as the others have said. Who is your community? With whom do you normally talk about KM? Let them know you are blogging (either via email or by comments on their blogs). Link to other bloggers who say things that are of interest to you (unfortunately, blogger doesn't handle trackbacks).


At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 7:55 PM, Blogger Janeska Smith Asante said...

I just recently started a blog and had a lot of questions, because I have only limited knowledge of the blog and it's writers. I really appreciate the writers for taking the time to provide all the information. When I found Jeff's KM blog, I was really impressed because many of the tips he gave about increasing traffic to your blog is very informative and helpful. For beginners like myself, this is truly a Godsend. My blog is quite different from this one; however, it is very information based on original healing therapies. Almost everyone can benefit from this. Thanks Jeff for your direction and keep up the great work!

At 2:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog ! Good info all around. If you feel wrecky and want to look at some serious car wrecks, visit my blog at iwreckedmyride

I also have some high-speed chase videos and street racing videos..enjoy!

At 10:19 AM, Blogger anonymous said...

hi Jeff
Well I do most of the things you suggested. I am on blogexplosion, and I do track visitors through Analytics, not thru sitemeter.
My major traffic comes from my profile page on, a social networking website.
I have 7 blogs, each relating to different topics.
How do I enable people to add my RSS feed, and get updated?

At 10:02 AM, Blogger nickibopp said...

Thanks Jeff!

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Alli Oops said...

Thanks for the hints Jeff. I'm new to blogging, but I have been writing this daily in my head for years. Finally putting fingers to keyboard and would love others to put eyes to screen. The ideas are useful.
I'm writing on the daily holidays and observances... there are so many What Day Is It Anyway?

Alli Oops

At 11:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good information. Does this really work that way?? I have made my blog about a month back and have seen vary rare visitors..

At 12:09 AM, Blogger Effara said...

I am no expert on anything, I am just writing to get things off my chest. I am hoping that other people that share my thoughts feel the same way and can just share their insight with me and just make me feel better at the end of the day. While I consider myself "smart", I cannot figure out any of this blogging stuff. I will keep reading. Thanks for the info.

At 1:05 AM, Anonymous joseph aldeguer said...

nice post. your blog is really helpful and very fun to read. thanks for sharing your points and views.

At 11:27 AM, Blogger literary articles said...

Good advice.It will help me promote my literary blog

At 1:47 AM, Blogger Ramanan said...

I found it hard to improve traffic to my technical blog. After reading your blog, hope so will get some descent traffic to my blog on following your suggestions...Thanks a lot.

At 1:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea to have different voices on same topic i really like the idea behind the post and tips!!!!

Need more visitors


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